Solar Panel Maintenance

Roofing Projects
Done by the last 25 years
Optimize Solar Systems With Expert Maintenance Services.
Then look no further, as we at Solar Maintenance and Repairs are here to help! Our experts have the skill, experience, and understanding required to deliver effective solar panel system upgrades to all property owners in need. Read on to learn more about optimisation techniques that will enhance your solar PV system overall.

Real-time Solar Monitoring
Optimize your system performance with Fused Solar & Roofing. Coverage options include active professional monitoring, exclusive service discounts, and dedicated customer support.
Benefits of Expert Solar Maintenance
Guaranteeing professional solar upkeep services is essential for maximising system efficiency and longevity. By investing in expert care, solar systems can experience significant improvements in performance. Professional maintenance not only enhances energy production but also minimises potential issues, saving both time and money in the long run.
With a dedicated team following a thorough checklist, circuit functionality, electrical components, pipework, insulation, parameters, wiring, and controls are all meticulously assessed. This level of professional care ensures that the system operates at its peak efficiency, ultimately extending its lifespan and maximising energy savings.
Embracing expert solar maintenance not only reduces environmental impact but also promotes sustainable energy practices, fostering a sense of belonging to a community committed to green energy solutions.

Common Faults in Solar include:
Delamination and Internal Corrosion
If the laminated component of the solar panels comes undone, moisture and air can penetrate the system and cause internal corrosion or rusting. This can affect the wiring and cause all sorts of electrical issues. Thus, rendering your PV system useless.
Micro Cracks
These are microscopic cracks in the panel that can grow over time due to weathering and/or careless transportation and installation. The bigger the cracks, the greater the inefficiency of the panel.
Hot Spots On The Panels
Hot spot heating occurs when there is disproportionate heating of a shaded single PV cell. This results in a large amount of energy from the other cells being dissipated in the faulty cell. Thus, degrading the solar panel and potentially leading to destructive effects, like glass cracking.
PID Effect
PID (potential induced degradation) can be simply described as solar panel aging, as this effect shortens the lifespan of the generator. Factors affecting PID are voltage and heat. The adverse effects from stray currents can inhibit the performance of the panel and degrade its efficiency.
Component Damage – Birds Or Rodents
Birds and other creatures can nest on and around your PV panels and significantly decrease the efficiency of your panels. Consider putting up mesh wires or something to deter pests from the area.
Snail Trail Contamination
Another common problem with solar PV systems is snail trails. This is discoloration on the panels – usually a yellow or brown colour – that occurs after a few years.
Failed Inverter
A defect in your inverter can lead to great energy loss. This fault can occur through shoddy installation. The inverter is responsible for converting the ‘captured’ energy into usable electricity and supplying power to the power grid.
Insecure Installation
Improper PV panel installation can prove to be very troublesome as it can cause a number of faults in power generation and output. Several factors influence the installation process and poor workmanship can fault the system. Make sure you hire a professional and reliable solar panel installer to limit the number of system issues in the future.